Monday, August 15, 2016

Visits 16-20 include a trip to the Broken Shackle Ranch and ends with Rotary Leadership Institute in Augusta

As member folks around the district look forward to the beginning of another school year, I do too!  I'm lucky enough to be working and making visits, although it takes up the time I would have in the evenings to explore a little more it is my commitment to serving our student population at Augusta University.  So my visits to clubs will be more of the "local" day trips.  It was GREAT to be home on Monday at the Rotary Club of Augusta.  This club is very special to me for many reasons besides being on the Augusta clubs.  Many Rotarians in this club have been mentors to me, lead by example, and are just as passionate about service and foundation as I am. Not too mention several of the members of this club are also part of the Augusta University community which I love!

The Rotary Club of Augusta is led by Jennifer Pennington.  Jennifer is the Director for Red Cross.  She is involved with service every day of her life.  Jennifer and members of her board met with me before the club meeting and I learned some new things about members that I've known for awhile. They are one of the clubs that have already reached their 100% Paul Harris Fellow designation but continue to support the foundation.  I was honored to present two new Paul Harris Fellow pins to two special members.  This club sponsors so many things in our community and has a heart for service. They support the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library which is very close to my heart.  What an amazing club.  So much Rotary history and a club full of life!  Thank you for the contribution to Polio Plus in honor of my visit!
Rotary Club of Augusta 

I had the honor of presenting Susan with her first Paul Harris Fellow pin and
Ed with his Paul Harris Fellow +2 pin.  

I'm a walker instead of behind the podium presenter.
Yes, Dr. Keel (Augusta University President) right up front and
 yes I am very proud to represent not only Augusta but our institution!

Checking to make sure all is good!  The club's GRSP student helped take the group photo.
It was back to work after the Augusta visit to get some things done before I did hit the road.  It was not until 7 when I was able to get on the road and head to Waycross.  I was looking forward to this club meeting.  There is really not an easy way to get to Waycross from Augusta, all back roads.  I was able to see some of it but missed a large portion since it was dark.

The Rotary Club of Waycross meets at a locally owned restaurant, Jerry's J's Country Cafe.  The board was a great mix of Rotarians. Something about this club that was noticeable was many of the members wore these beautiful blue polo shirts with their club name.  I LOVE when a club brands itself. They did a great public image campaign with a newspaper ad, brochures, Be My Guest cards, and their handbook. They had two visitors and I was told after the meeting they wanted to join.  One of the visitors came up to me and I enjoyed our conversation.  He is the local commander for the Salvation Army.  They are working on becoming 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club. 

Rotary Club of Waycross

Newspaper ad for the club - GREAT public image piece
It was time to get on the road and head back to Augusta!  It was an interesting drive home since I was able to see where I was going.  There were several things I took photos of and wanted to share.

There is even a road sign - Lightsey Lane
A church sitting next to another......


Some interesting homes along the way
Welcome to Surrency

Outside the entrance of someone's farm - on the left side of the entrance

On the right side of the entrance
It was back home to take care of a few work-related items and start making my notes for the next visit.  I would be heading to Jefferson County on Wednesday.  

This club I've visited several times as my term as Assistant Governor/Georgia Rotary Student Program Trustee to share students, upcoming events, and various presentations.  The Rotary Club of Jefferson County may be small but they are contributing to so many areas of the community.  They have an ENGAGED president that is excited to serve Rotary.  One of our Alumni from the university also belongs in this club.  He is a young member with small children in his family but has been involved in the club for a little while now.   I was excited to see this! If you are in Louisville, Georgia, you need to stop by Foster's Restaurant for lunch!  GREAT group of Rotarians!  Thank you Assistant Governor Liz for taking the photo!
Rotary Club of Jefferson County
I posted on Facebook my check-in and received a comment from David at Broken Shackle Ranch that I should stop by since I was really close.  I had time to do that after the meeting before my travel to Statesboro.  I did decide to spend the night in Statesboro, since the next meeting was my first breakfast club at 7am! After the meeting with Jefferson County, on the way to Broken Shackle Ranch.  I had no clue what I was about to experience.  I had a pie to deliver from the Rotary club as well.

Broken Shackle Ranch has existed for over 30 years and has had over 8000 young men through its doors.  The Ranch is part of a process that shows young men what a family is all about!  There is love, expectations, and responsibility.  They are changing lives of so many from around our state and that is why it was so important to give back to them since they have been so freely giving to others.  I walked the Ranch with David Cobb and he took me to each area.  I met some young men from all over that were very polite and all of them were busy learning something.  They were either in school or learning their trade.  I was also able to share with David that we will have another grant comprised of clubs district money to use to purchase more needed items.  Can't wait to share with you what was in the semi we sent to the ranch.  Can you imagine going through 100 rolls of toilet paper a week? That is just at main ranch.  I left the main location and headed to Statesboro.  David was heading to Statesboro later that day and said he would lvoe to show me the new campus there.  And I DID! WOW!
Floors are repurposed for the main house.

Cabinet being built by the young men.

Welding shop

GED classroom, Carpentry, and Automotive shop at the other end.

Welding shop at Broken Shackle Ranch

New campus in Statesboro

What an amazing view for young men to heal!

How would you like this as your view!?!

These hills made a perfect slip'n'slide for the guys!

Main home at the Statesboro Campus

Firepit at Broken Shackle Ranch, Davisboro

Inside welding shop, Davisboro

Broken Shackle Ranch, Davisboro

Main house at Broken Shackle Ranch, Davisboro
Clubs packed a semi that was sent to the ranch from the All Star Seminar contributed:

Pillows 60, Paper towels 668, Toilet paper 1131, Sheets 61, Blanket 21, Tooth paste 435,
Bar soap 631, Body soap 350, Shaving cream 132, Toothbrush 757, Deodorant 233 sticks,
Razors 2000, Mini soaps 20lbs, Mini shampoos 140lbs. Clean supplies 100 bottles, Floss 550,
Combs brushes 575, Mouth wash 50 large bottles, safety glasses 165, pairs Socks 466, Pairs Boxers 221, pairs Shirts packs 50,  SunTrust shirts 26,  Onion festival shirts 162, and Button shirts 30 

WOW!!!  Thank you to the clubs of District 6920!  If you haven't had them as a program yet, call them and have them tell you a little bit about their ranch!  You can have club members bring toilet paper to send back with David.  I had dinner with David and his dad after the tour of the Statesboro campus.  

Up really early to get ready for the Rotary Club of Downtown Statesboro!!  The board meeting was after the meeting since they started at 7am.  It was a morning with much celebration.  This time last week found out that they restaurant was going to close and so the work to find a new meeting location for breakfast started.  Today was the announcement that someone local purchased the restaurant and they will continue to meet there just like they have been doing for the past 21 years!  A member of their board is the granddaughter of a member in the Rotary Club of Sylvania.  I know he is proud of her.
Rotary Club of Downtown Statesboro
As soon as the board meeting was over at the Rotary Club of the Downtown Statesboro, it was time to head back to Augusta to meet with the board of  the Rotary Club of Augusta West.  What a GREAT meeting!  A new member inducted!  A member donated his winnings from their card deck to the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library!  And this club is already 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club, but they are looking at ways to increase the Bequest Society Members!  Way to Go!!
Rotary Club of Augusta West

New member inducted -
His dad is a member of the Rotary Club of Augusta

We are the ALL STAR TEAM!

Picked the Ace of Spades to win half the pot, $422!
He donated it to the Greater Augusta Partnership for Literacy to put
books in the hands of children from the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.

Adalyn's first day of kindergarten and she joined her mom at Rotary.
What a special day it was to have them there!

Saturday was another early day at 6am~!~ Rotary Leadership Institute time!  What a great group of Rotarians around the state!  Thank you for spending your Saturday at Augusta University to meet with others to learn more about Rotary!  
Graduates of the Rotary Leadership Institute Part 1

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Club Visits 12, 13, 14 and 15 were amazing

Monday morning started with my trip to Macon to meet with the Rotary Club of Macon.  This club is led by Ruth Knox.  I've known of Ruth Knox, but it was at the All Star Seminar when we finally met. Not only is Ruth the club president, but she also serves as President of Wesleyan College.  I remember being on the campus of Wesleyan College for meetings when I was part of the board for the Georgia Association of College Stores.  What a beautiful campus!  

This board meeting with the club was filled with introductions and sharing of goals they have set for the year.  I'm excited they are striving to be 100% Paul Harris Club especially since we are preparing to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation.  I was asked to pin two new members they were inducting on Monday.  What an honor and privilege to be a part.  Brad is ministering to young men recovering from addiction and Karla runs the Otis Redding Foundation.  She just happens to be his daughter.  Both of these are going to be GREAT assets to District 6920 and to the Rotary Club of Macon.  This club is also home to our Past District Governor Albert Reichert, Jr.  And thank you for your contribution to Polio Plus in honor of my visit.

Rotary Club of Macon

President Ruth Knox presenting new members to the club.

6 Academic college scholarships were awarded to some incredible young adults.

Feeling pretty honored to pin their newest members.

Addressing the membership of the Rotary Club of Macon
I stayed in Macon and logged in to work the rest of the afternoon.  However, I did take a little bit of time to meet with some Rotarians for dinner at Margarita's at Mercer Village.  The other club has a social as a makeup and each time it is a different restaurant. What a GREAT social event to introduce folks to club members in a social setting.  Back to the hotel and worked past midnight. It was a very productive evening.  

On the way to Cochran to meet the Rotarians in one of our rural areas.  Cochran meets in a building right before you enter the campus of Middle Georgia College.  What a beautiful building.  The board is made up of some very new Rotarians and a few that have been in Rotary for 30+ years.  They are concentrating membership.  The challenge in this small town is the growth of the town.  But they are dedicated to getting new members.  

Rotary Club of Cochran

If you are in Cochran on a Tuesday, stop by the Community House for a make up.

Built in 1939
Thank you Rotary Club of Cochran for your contribution to Polio Plus in honor of my visit!  With the Gates Foundation match it will generate $750 toward the fight to eradicate Polio. After the meeting a drove around.  You can find some beautiful buildings.

Methodist Church

After a little sightseeing in Cochran, I made my way to Warner Robbins to check in to the hotel and work some more. A little bit of a storm came through, but that was ok since I was busy sitting at the desk working. Wednesday it was off to see the Rotary Club of Hawkinsville.  What a beautiful drive to meet some Rotarians in another part of Georgia. 

The Rotary Club of Hawkinsville meets at The Steakhouse Restaurant.  The board is filled with members that have energy and laugh with each other! The  Rotary Club of Hawkinsville has their first female president, a set of twins, two members that will be celebrating their 90th birthday and their PE, Jeff, has only been back in Rotary since January.  Rotarians filled the room and there were only 2 seats left.  What a GREAT group!  I would order a Rotary Wheel to hang right above that Civitan wheel on the way out by the door though. 

Rotary Club of Hawkinsville
After my visit with the club it was time to head back to Augusta.  The landscapes were beautiful on the way home.  
On the way home from Hawkinsville
On the way home from Hawkinsville

On the way home from Hawkinsville
Made it home and went by to pick up Ryker.  I got to see him for a little bit before dropping him off!! Time to unload the car again and repack for the next week.  But I still have one more club this week. The Rotary Club of Sylvania.  At least this club visit will be a day trip and will allow me to catch up on some work stuff.

What a beautiful day!  I received the message from the club president and he overbooked, but it will be a good meeting.  I met with the board before the club meeting and it was interesting to hear from the board member that just started to the one that has been in the club for over 30 years.  Several club members came up to me afterwards and want to try and achieve 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club status.  I will help do whatever I can and what a GREAT goal for this club.  I was sharing time with a musical group today because they were awarding one of the members with Citizen of the Year Award.  What an honor to be part of this special day!
Rotary Club of Sylvania

Presented Mr. Moats with the Citizen of  the Year award from the club!

Club President Brett Dickerson presented me with a club banner!
It was very encouraging to see Rotarians excited about getting involved in their club activities and want to know how to become 100% Paul Harris Fellow Clubs!!

Stay tuned.....more to come.

Pam Lightsey
2016-17 District Governor